Become an official member of our family!

The church is not just a club or a volunteer organization, but the local expression of the presence of God. We are the very literal family of God. We don’t want you for our money or time, but we want all of you! We want you to come off the sidelines and join in on the action.

God has particular calling on your life and we want to help you discover it and live it out to your fullest.


Next Steps

Post Baptism Pic

Post Baptism Pic

Before you just jump in and join the family, try us out! Join a Small Group and attend a Retreat or two and get to know some of the family members better! Have you let PWee take you out for coffee or lunch?


Membership Course

There is a 12-session membership course that you will need to take, which will cover the basics of what we believe, what our vision is, and also what are expected of our members.

Ways to Help

Since we are a family, we expect everyone to pitch it and help out as much as they can. There are a variety of ways you can help. Our aim is to connect your spiritual gifts, your natural talents, and wiring to help further the Kingdom of God. Where are your interests?

• Leadership/Planning/Administration

• Community/Food/Social/Sports

• Arts/Video/Music/Photography

• Preaching/Teaching/Mentoring/Counselling

• Technology/Construction

• Help out anywhere you can

You can help out regularly or whenever your schedule allows. If you have questions, let us know!