Going Deeper.


Join our LifeGroup

As followers of Jesus, we are never meant to journey alone. LifeGroups are the best way to grow and mature in your journey with Jesus as you learn to do life together in a smaller community. The large Sunday gatherings can be overwhelming and be a hard place to really connect with people, but the smaller group setting is a wonderful way to become the church. LifeGroups generally meet once a week for 1.5 to 2 hours. They usually start with prayer and a brief time of sharing about the week and praying for one another, then moving onto the discussion/reading of the week, and closing in prayer. You might share a meal together or just light snacks before, during, or after the session.

Reading the bible

Reading the Bible is the most basic way of growing in our faith and in our walk with Jesus. You can think of the Bible as a love-letter from God or even God’s journal. It recounts God’s interaction with people throughout time and through these encounters we get to know the heart and mind of God. We get a glimpse of how God is Creator, Provider, Promise-Keeper, Judge, Saviour, Merciful, Passionate, and Love. There are so many ways to read and discover the Bible. Here are some tips, tools, and tricks to enhance your Bible reading.



Richer prayer life

At Salt and Light Ministry, we aim to live out a conversational relationship with God. We see that the Bible clearly shows how God is conversational with people. He speaks, and allows people to respond and sometimes even pushback. Many times, our prayer lives go stale because it’s usually a monologue from us to God. But God speaks, and here are ways to grow in your prayer life.